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Int 2F Fn 4A10  - Smartdrv V4.00+ - Installation Check And Hit Ratios      [c]

   AX = 4A10h
   BX = 0000h
   CX = EBABh (v4.1+; see Note)

Return: AX = BABEh if installed
       DX:BX = cache hits
       DI:SI = cache misses
       CX = ???
       BP = version in BCD (4.10 = 0410h)

Notes: most of the SMARTDRV API, including this call, is supported by
     PC-Cache v8.0
   if DBLSPACE.BIN is installed but SMARTDRV has not yet been installed,
     unless CX=EBABh on entry, DBLSPACE.BIN displays the error message
     "Cannot run SMARTDrive 4.0 with DoubleSpace" and aborts the caller
     with INT 21/AX=4C00h
   SMARTDRV v3.x had a completely different API using IOCTL calls

See Also: AX=4A10h/BX=0001h,AX=4A10h/BX=0004h,AX=4A10h/BX=0005h

See Also: AX=4A10h/BX=0007h,AX=4A10h/BX=1234h,AX=4A11h/BX=0000h

See Also: INT 21/AX=4402h"SMARTDRV",INT 21/AX=4403h"SMARTDRV"

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